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- Calming hobbies – why are they so important to millennials? (April 26, 2024)
- Do you have a Dysregulated Nervous System? (May 20, 2024)
- Here’s why your goals aren’t working out for you (June 13, 2024)
- Confidence (July 4, 2024)
- Dealing with Anxiety (September 9, 2024)
- Embracing Sensitivity: Turning a Perceived Weakness into a Strength (September 23, 2024)
- Finding the Right Psychotherapist in Ireland (September 27, 2024)
- Common Myths About Therapy and Coaching Debunked from a Psychotherapist and Life Coach in Ireland (September 27, 2024)
- Navigating Adult Friendships – Breakups. From a Psychotherapist and Life Coach in Ireland (September 30, 2024)
- Ghosting: Understanding the Pain and Finding the Support You Deserve as a Psychotherapist in Dublin (October 25, 2024)
- The Benefits of Therapy from a Psychotherapist in Dublin (November 4, 2024)
- Life Coaching Ireland: Unlock Your Potential with Psychotherapeutic Coaching (November 5, 2024)
- Feel afraid but still succeed! Advice from a Psychotherapist in Dublin (November 12, 2024)
- Pet Loss from a Psychotherapist in Dublin (November 27, 2024)
- Navigating Boundaries at Christmas (December 17, 2024)
- Taking care of yourself during a global crisis from a Psychotherapist in Ireland (January 14, 2025)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Welcome (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 1 – Introduction (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 2 – Root Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 3 – Sacral Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 4 – Solar Plexus Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 5 – Heart Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 6 – Throat Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 7 – Third Eye Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Module 8 – Crown Chakra (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Bonus Content (November 23, 2023)
- Chakra Balancing Programme: Full Chakra Meditation (November 24, 2023)